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Friday, December 12, 2008

You Tube

Any way we can integrate these kinds of ideas for Judaics?

Math is very process oriented so it may lend itself to You Tube Tutoring a little more than breaking down a Gemara. However, most MOdox schools learn the same Masechtas, Prakim, and Sugyos. Perhaps we could find a way to You Tube Tutor these main Sugyot for the students who need.

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I think this can be easily applied to the world of Jewish education and specifically Talmud. It might be beneficial for students of gemara if they have difficulty with a certain concept in the gemara (kal v'chomer) for example or a certain phrase (ika de'amrei) to have it explained in a slow and rewindable way. Showing a few examples of the tool or word in question might help the student to fully grasp it. There are certain mesechtot where the concepts are a lot more esoteric than in others, and seeing the same concept applied in a more down to earth manner might benefit the student. The places you can go with this are limitless, but I see the most important one being to have a rewindable video available for a student who needs review, or just a different way of internalizing the information (visualy etc).
